Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

is there any better place than home?

hey guys. i just got home from Singapore. you know, Singapore is an awesome country. i'd like to admit that. and hoping my country will be like Singapore in the future. and what confusing me is, all the citizens are speaking Mandarin-Chinese. and i really don't speak Mandarin-Chinese fluently. too bad, isn't? english is not their major language after all. but still, they can speak english, but with chinese accent too.

Singapore is really nice. and i can find, the branded items there are more cheaper than in indonesia. so my mom and i bought some. teehee.. here are some pictures i captured.

beautiful sunrise in the morning. at 6 AM!
it's a picture from the plane!

 children statue near the merlion lake.

 victoria street at night

 new location to visit! garden by the bay. it is located behind the Marina Bay Sands.
super trees!

below the super trees! if you want to go upside there, you have to pay extra SGD 5.
but don't worry, garden by the bay is free for everyone. (except particular rides)

anyway, when i got back home yesterday. i was pretty sad because i will be back to my "dirty and stressful" city. but i am happy. after all this is the place where i have been living for 18 years! "home sweet home" word does work!

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

the fake seller

yesterday, i read a group-page on facebook. the page named "blacklist seller". it is a page where the victims of fake online-shops share information. some of them have lost about 5 million Rupiahs.  some of them have lost 2-3 hundred thousand rupiahs. from that group we learn that we really have to be careful if we want to buy something online. the fake seller not only sell their goods on facebook. but this is what makes me surprised. even the official website can be a fake seller. so, be careful, guys!

 in my country, there's a lot of online shops trying to manipulate their buyers with good quality and look-expensive goods with low prices. then, after buyers transfer their money, the sellers just disappear without any responsibilities. pathetic, isn't it? my country's law is not strong enough to arrest them. so, everything really depends on us. we have to be a smart buyer. here are some tips when you are going to buy something online.

1. first. detailed every products. don't be fooled by the low-prices. especially for electronic goods. 
    ex. : notebook A costs about 300 usd, but in a website you find out that notebook A costs only 100 USD. is that make any sense? they usually trick us with "DISCOUNT UP TO 50%", "BLACKMARKET" , etc. but don't get fooled. buy your electronic goods or everything else on their official stores.

2. secondly. when you are interested in product A. try to make the seller closer to you. try to chat, or anything. and try to ask/look for other buyer's testimonials which are their satisfaction for the shop. if she/he is trusted seller, other's buyers testimonials will be appeared or she/he will show you other's buyers satisfaction.

3. the third. if you have made your deal, she/he must be given his/her bank account number to you. try to google it first. if he/she is a fake seller, her/his name will be showed on google as "the swindler". 

4. after you transfer your money. make sure he/she has sent your goods. make sure he/she gives you "delivery code" to track your goods.

everytime i buy online, i always use this trick. hope it will be helpful. 

good luck!

*pssstt.. tomorrow is governor election. and the good news is.... i participate in it! #yeay
i will write the post later. i must pack for the day after tomorrow, i'll be leaving to singapore for holiday.

see ya soon!

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

train you brain with.......TETRIS!

lately, my brother and i are addicted to a common game called tetris. we all know tetris. lot of people dislike tetris because it is such a boring game. you only have to build the line from different kind of bricks. and i admit that too.
but have you tried the new version of tetris? you can play in on facebook too, by the way. if you are getting bored of everything and you are surfing the internet at the moment. why don't you try to sign in your facebook and play "tetris battle" ? it is a very fun game. you will have ranks, levels, and enemies too! me myself have reached level 15. what i most like from tetris battle is, you will not get bored! tetris battle has different kind of games, such as battle 2 players, battle 6 players, marathon and you'll find out that tetris is not an old game after all. if you don't have facebook account, there's a different type of tetris game called cultris. but i haven't tried it yet since my java-program isn't working.

the fact is... tetris also trains your brain! 

why don't you try it and tell me what kind of fun you get after playing tetris? ;;)

love tutu dress!

next month, my cousin is getting married. well, actually i am pretty sad because i am not chosen as one of the ushers. you know, if you re being an usher in a wedding party, you will get free make-ups, costumes and the best part is.. you will meet a lot of people you've never met before. it looks like my cousin let the event organizers be her ushers. it's pretty sad i guess.

anyways, last week, me and my sister decided to buy same dress for the wedding party. it must be a fabulous dress because the party will be fulled of important people from the business world and government too. so we decided to wear an out-standing dress. and we finally picked tutu-dress type.
tutu dress is a sweet dress. ballerinas always wear these kind of dress when they are performing. or we can say, tutu dress is ballerina's dress.
it's a combination of bustier and tutu skirt. and this is an example for tutu dress :

thankyou mr.google!

wish me luck, guys. i will be searching this kind of dress only in 1 month. hope i can get exactly like what i need. #fingercrossed

Toycam for giveaway!

because this giveaway only available for Indonesian residents only, i will write this post in Bahasa Indonesia 

haloo semua. maaf banget banget banget bolos nge-post blog selama beberapa hari kebelakang. soalnya saya sedang ada urusan keluarga. dan, it was fun after all.
malam ini, saya sedang iseng-iseng buka blog-nya ideku handmade, daaaann.. yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu tiba. GIVEAWAY!
kali ini ideku handmade kerjasama sama achter camera shop. dan dengan baik hatinya, achter mau memberikan toy-cam nya sebagai hadiah giveaway. toy-cam itu semacam kamera dengan design yang unik dan lucu-lucu, imut-imut, jadi buat kita yang demen fotografi, ga akan bosen pakai toycam hihi..
kali ini yang di kasih adalah toycam underwater. aaa.. kan aku suka berenang, pengen deh punya satu biar ada yang bisa difoto gitu dalam air.

anyways, kalo kamu mau ikutan giveaway nya, kamu bisa klik gambar di bawah ini :

huhuhu. berulang0ulang ikut giveaway gak pernah menang :( pengeen deh sekali aja menang.
wish me luck! #fingercrossed#

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

July the 3rd

hello again :)
today i am very excited because my blueberry face-mask in on the way to my house :D
i bought this mask from my friend. she imports lot of korean cosmetiques, masks, lotions, and many more. very excited.
later i will write the review from this mask and maybe (just maybe) i will post my picture wearing this mask and the result!

happy tuesday, then :)

holiday's doings

hey guys. on my school holiday, i've been entering some giveaways to fill up my empty days. i wih i win at least one of them #fingercrossed. and here some giveaways i have entered.

note : i don't make this blog to enter giveaways, but hey, i got nothing to do for 3 months. and on august, i will begin my first year of college. wish me luck, darls :)

GALAXY NAILS addicted!

well, i have been searching lately for new trends of nail art. 2 months ago my friend told me about "water marble nails". it's a trick to paint your nails with simple touch of water and a little sharp thing (you can use needle or toothpick). and i have tried it. it was such a fun time. and unfortunately, there's a blind spot about this trick. you can only use a high-quality nail polish. if not, the nail polish will not spread in the water after you tapped it.
if you are interested with this trick, you can check out it on youtube. just text "MARBLE NAILS" on search coloumn.

yesterday, when i was surfing the net, i found a simple and unique trick to make your nails look like a galaxy (also the stars dwell in it too). this is a simple way to make your nails look unique and look like a galaxy.
all you need is foundation pad (this is the most important item!), nail polishes and a toothpick. simple, isn't?
if you want to see the tutorial, you can check it out  here. and your nails, will be like these :

amazing, isn't?

i'd like to see you try ;) good luck anyways !

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

SUZANNE's 1st giveaway

i've been entering a giveaway from suzzane's beauty blog. you know, her blog is really cute and i love it. this is the excuse why i want to enter the giveaway (also the prizes are cute too!)
you can try your luck here

good luck!


hi guys.
now on, i am trying my luck on HEART'S MADE giveaway. to celebrate the owner's birthday on June 23rd, she is adding her very first giveaway with a lot of cute stuffs.
if you are interested trying your luck on her giveaway, please do visit her blog here

good luck ^^

OASAP giveaway!

hi guys. this is my third entry. and this time i am enterring a giveaway from OASAP, an online international clothing. they have such a good dresses and the good news is, the dresses are to be given :D *yeay*

you can try your luck here